Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Memorable Moment 2012

This night was an amazing opportunity to take a look at just what an actual journalist does, and I plan on taking this experience forever with me as I continue down this career path. Watching other reporters, both writers and broadcasters, really makes me realize just how much I look forward to this in the future.

The cheers died down by the end of the night, and despite the outcome of the results on the Republican side, it was exciting to see so many supporters sharing the same views. Overhearing the conversations and talking to different people, it was interesting to look at things a different way.

Even though the party ended early on the Republican side, the people definitely know how to throw a watch party. The music, the food and drinks gave the room a feeling of letting your hair down and just relax.

Going to this event I was prepared for the worst, but I left feeling excited and exhilarated but most of all lucky.

-Jessica Sias

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