Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Prowling around campus on election day

Today people were in a rush, or rather a frenzy, to get to class on the Eastfield campus. Many said they had already voted in this year's elections.

One student named Aya said the reason she voted was because of the economy and jobs. Aya voted a straight ticket, but she was reluctant to reveal who she voted for in the presidential race.

Aya wasn't alone. Donna Smith and another student named Lye were also reluctant to reveal their votes. Smith said she always votes and that she voted a straight ticket. Lye said she is also a regular voter and voted a straight ticket. She said that the most important issue to her is the economy.

Kayla, another student and first-time voter, said her most important issue is education. Kayla also said she voted a straight ticket and that she supported President Obama.

Erika Lacy, another first-time voter, said the reason she came to vote is because "this year more is at stake." She said for her the most important issues are financial aid and healthcare because she has kids. She voted a straight Democratic ticket.

Not everyone voted, though. "I never vote," student Tracy Samples said. Another student named Maria said she didn't register, so she was unable to vote today.

--Danielle Shaffer

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